And suddenly, my dear Morocco, all the love songs were about you
I fell in love with Morocco more than 10 years ago, today I create custom experiences, trips and events to celebrate the magic of Morocco.
Enjoying the serene tranquillity of a moroccan riad, contemplating the endless sand dunes in the Sahara desert, seated on berber rugs listening to tales of nomadic lives, wandering the bustle of the pink medina in Marrakech, learning how to weave with berber women in small workshops or strolling through the blue streets of Chaouen is where I slowly learnt to appreciate the sensual beauty of Morocco.
Fascinated by the elegant simplicity of berber culture so pure and natural, I stepped into the unknown, and into the most intense and enchanting experience of my life. Today I live between Morocco and Spain. Over the years I have been very fortunate to have nurtured beautiful connections and strong bonds with locals and expats in Morocco. I work on the ground pouring my heart and soul for you to have the most curated elegant and authentic experience building a stronger global community through support, creativity and inspiration.
Desde la tranquilidad del patio de un Riad, contemplando las dunas infinitas del desierto del Sahara, sentada en el suelo sobre alfombras bereber escuchando historias de vidas nómadas, en el bullicio de la medina de Marrakech, aprendiendo a tejer con mujeres bereber o paseando por las calles azules de Chaouen es donde aprendí a apreciar la belleza sensual y mágica de Marruecos.
Fascinada por la elegancia sencilla de la cultura bereber, tan pura y natural, me sumergí en un mundo desconocido y comencé sin saberlo la aventura más apasionante e intensa de mi vida. Hoy vivo entre Marruecos y España. A lo largo de los años he tenido la gran fortuna de cuidar y nutrir relaciones con locales y expatriados, trabajo desde el terreno poniendo alma y corazón para ofrecerte el lado más bello, elegante y auténtico de Marruecos.
With love,